Monday, October 4, 2010

Getting Back to Happy

Trevor and I are starting to return to the things we love doing. I was very sick the whole time I was pregnant, so we haven't been able to enjoy the great outdoors in many months. This past weekend, we decided to try out a new hiking trail on the grounds of the Carl Sandburg home in Flat Rock, NC. The trail was beautiful and peaceful, and although the view from the top was obscured by overgrown trees, we had a great time just sitting, talking, and laughing.

It's a good thing the trip back to the car was downhill...


It is amazing how quickly life changes! As reported in our last post, we were elated when we found out in June that we were expecting... and the news got even better from there. We soon learned that we had identical twin boys on the way. Gavin and Cooper immediately became the lights of our lives, and although I was feeling quite sick most of the time, our days centered around preparing for their arrival.

On August 30th, our lives changed again, this time for the worse. I went into pre-term labor that resulted in an "inevitable miscarriage." We had to say goodbye to our boys and hello to very broken lives. We were broken mentally, emotionally, and in spirit, and for a while it was unclear how we would be able to move forward in such a dark time.

However, we have moved forward with love lighting the way. Trevor and I learned just how strong our relationship is, and we both learned how amazing our family and friends are. The outpouring of love and support was overwhelming, and it has truly helped us move out of the darkness.

Today, the future seems much brighter. I am completely healed and healthy, and we have been given the go-ahead to try for another baby in a couple of months, so we are filled with a new sense of hope and promise. A piece of our hearts has been forever lost, but we are so thankful to have been given the opportunity to know and love two little spirits that will be with us forever. I can't say everyday is a good day, but I can say that each day we feel a little less broken.