Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A True New Year's Eve P-A-R-T-Y!!

I'll tell you something... Trevor and I know how to celebrate!! Some would say that New Year's Eve should be spent out on the town, going to clubs, attending cocktail parties, listening to live music, and toasting in 2008. Here were the important components of our party:

Hot fudge sundaes (actually they were made with Nutella - a chocolate and hazelnut spread), YUM!
Flannel pajamas and a fire in the fireplace.
A concert of our own with my aboriginal didgeridoo. A couple of seasons ago on The Amazing Race (one of my FAVORITE shows) the contestants had to successfully play a didgeridoo while in Australia. It's a very unusual instrument and everyone who tried it on the show ended up laughing and having a great time. I have talked about it since seeing the show and this year Trev got me one for Christmas. It's strange and awkward and we have no idea what we are doing, but it sure is fun!

Foosball (I WON!).
It may not have been every one's idea of what New Year's Eve should be, but it was perfect for us. On top of it all, we were able to watch the 100th anniversary of the ball drop in Time Square live - no time delay. Maybe one day we will see it in person.

So what's in store for us on New Year's Day? A little laundry, a little vacuuming, some apartment clean-up, and a work out at the gym. I told you... we know how to P-A-R-T-Y!

We wish you all a HAPPY, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS 2008! There are great things ahead for the new year, and we are excited to share them all with the ones we love. Happy New Year!!!


Amy said...

Looks like fun! (We couldn't even manage to stay up until midnight... so you guys really are party animals compared to us!) Love the pictures!
Happy New Year!

Gardner Family said...

Now that is awesome. I was a maniac and had to have sparkling cider for our night of fun at our house and went out into the masses the night of new years eve. Two bottles left on the shelve when I got there. Had to climb a shelf to get it. And the line was all the way back to the grocery store. But it was worth it..... :) North Carolina sure looks pretty. Maybe we'll get stationed there! PS I am back on the net now! Just been busy getting ready for Dan to deploy.