Thursday, February 28, 2008

What the...?

Okay, so after working all day (Asheville City Schools had a snow day today - don't get excited, there was less than an inch on the ground!) I stopped by the store to get some angel hair pasta so I could make one of our favorite dinners. It's shrimp, broccoli, carrots, and yellow bell pepper tossed with pasta, parmigiano regiano cheese, and a yummy light lemon and garlic sauce. Mmm mmm mmm!
The only thing I don't like about the meal is that it requires I use three of my large cooking pieces (and that means more dishes afterward): a large pot to boil the pasta, a big sauce pan and steamer basket for the veggies, and a huge skillet to cook the shrimp and give everything a final toss. So, I have everything going on the stove, when I look over and see this next to the post with all the vegetables:
"What is that," you ask? Let me tell you. IT IS MOLTEN METAL! The bottom of the pot was melting and oozing liquid metal all over the stove!
Needless to say, I freaked out just a little. I didn't know how I was going to get the pan off the stove without dripping its metallic contents all over the place. Trev picked up the pot and took it straight to the trash can. Its hot ooze melted a hole in the bottom of the inside liner of the garbage can, which was better than the kitchen floor or the carpet or us! We finally got it to stop dripping long enough to get it outside where it could cool down (luckily it was 20 degrees out there, so it cooled off pretty quick). Here's what the pot looks like now:
Don't worry, we did eventually get to enjoy our dinner. And those pots? They will be packed up and returned to Costco as soon as possible!


Amy said...

Holy cow! That's pretty scary! I'm glad too much damage wasn't done... guess it could've been a lot worse!

Gardner Family said...

Holy molten metal batman! We got our All Clad set fom Sam's club. Is it the same group of pots and pans??? YIKES!!! .....That pasta looks delicious!