Monday, March 3, 2008

5 Years and Counting

Saturday, March 1st was our 5th wedding anniversary! Sometimes, after thinking about all that has happened in the last five years, we feel like it must be closer to 10... on the other hand, we can't believe five years has come and gone so quickly. To celebrate the occasion, all we cared about was being together and being surrounded by love. So, we went to Alabama and the spent the weekend with my parents and our boys. It was wonderful! We relaxed and went out for a nice dinner, basked in the sun (it was in the 70's and it felt SO good), and had a glorious weekend. Over the last few days we have been making a little list. It includes some random facts, things that have happened, things we've learned, and things we love. I wrote some, Trev wrote some, and some we wrote together. Here it is:

1. We are both fortunate to have joined wonderful, loving families.
2. Trevor has written me 2 songs - one as a Christmas present and one for our 5th anniversary.
3. Tam is better at handling the TIVO remote (fast forwarding and rewinding) than Trev.
4. Laughter has amazing healing powers.
5. Trevor proposed after spending the night in the emergency room with Tam.
6. Trevor planned to propose on the beach after a romantic dinner at Jake's (our favorite restaurant in San Diego).
7. Our first "meeting" was at the Edward's Cinema in Mira Mesa where we stood and talked in the parking lot for 2 hours.
8. We have had 6 addresses since we met.
9. Josh Groban can make both of us cry.
10. The best New Year's Eve celebrations are spent in flannel PJs.
11. Do not remodel your kitchen anytime near the holidays.
12. We say, "I love you" many times a day.
13. We have become an uncle and aunt twice.
14. 30 year old men love toys.
15. Trevor can fall sound asleep in less than 45 seconds after crawling into bed.
16. The best Valentine's Day dinner we ever had was at Bubba Burger in Kauai.
17. 90% of the time Trevor will order (or at least seriously consider ordering) a club sandwich at a restaurant.
18. We met online.
19. Trevor makes me feel brave.
20. Hanging pictures in our house is not a fun event - Tam is particular, Trev eye balls it.
21. We could watch the movie High Fidelity every day.
22. We have lived in 4 states in 5 years.
23. Our first official date was at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
24. Any mechanical or technical equipment Tam touches will malfunction.
25. Trev can fix any malfunctioning mechanical or technical equipment.
26. Tam's favorite part of a tray of brownies is the crusty edge.
27. Trev's favorite part of a tray of brownies in the gooey middle.
28. Putting down your own wood floors can literally bring you to tears.
29. My heart still skips a beat when Trev calls or walks in the door.
30. It is possible to plan a wedding in 6 weeks.
31. Trevor does all the vacuuming.
32. I walked down the aisle to Jim Brickman's "Angel Eyes".
33. Trevor loves to sing karaoke.
34. We used to rollerblade 8 miles at least twice a week around Lake Miramar.
35. Rough housing and wrestling can lead to broken toes.
36. When a semi-truck runs over your purse on Highway 10, pretty much everything inside it turns to dust.
37. Tam is a good singer when she doesn't think anyone is listening.
38. We were nearly killed by a train on our way to the Marriott on our wedding night.
39. Tammy doesn't know how to be mean.
40. Spying on loud neighbors in the middle of the night can be very entertaining.
41. Trevor supports me in all that I do and all that I am (the good and the bad).
42. Kidney stones and all night emergency room visits STINK!
43. I love to put my finger in Trev's belly button.
44. Trev's hair can literally stand STRAIGHT UP at any length.
45. At our wedding, we danced to Sting's "One and Only Love".
46. People aren't rude to guys who are 6'3" - for 5'6" girls, it's a different story.
47. Trevor is my computer god.
48. Although we have argued, we have never had a fight or raised our voice to one another.
49. We have been trying (on and off) for 3 years to have a baby.
50. If a baby doesn't happen for us in a few more years, we will try to adopt.
51. Our wedding ceremony was interrupted by a plane fly-by.
52. We take turns sharing our day with one another every evening.
53. Tammy has over 20 ticklish spots on her body.
54. We hate carpet and have vowed to only have hard surface floors in our next house (do you know what it looks like under YOUR carpet??).
55. Trev loves to hear Tam read Dr. Seuss - especially "The Sleep Book".
56. My revenge for tickling is to stick a wet finger in Trev's ear.
57. People have asked us if we are brother and sister.
58. We love to hold hands.
59. The airport does not deliver your lost luggage to your door - you must pick it up yourself in the middle of the night.
60. For our first anniversary, Tam made a poster story about us and our love from candy bar wrappers.
61. Touching Tam's nose will make her sneeze.
62. When I come home to Tam, the rest of the world melts away.
63. Our beautiful boys give us endless unconditional love.
64. When we walked into the hotel on our wedding night (in our suit and gown), the whole lobby applauded.
65. No one changes their mind more times (or quicker) than Trev.
66. Tam has the softest skin.
67. Tam hates annoying, repetitious noises.
68. Nothing makes me happier than Tam's smile.
69. It doesn't get much better than hot chocolate in Telluride, CO.
70. Never take a golden retriever puppy home for a "trial day" unless you plan to permanently adopt him.
71. You can never have too many pictures.
72. It is not humid in North Carolina.
73. Tammy has tricked me into eating mushrooms.
74. Trevor eats mushrooms more often than he knows.
75. We experienced the 2003 San Diego Fire Storm.
76. I lost a diamond out of wedding band.
77. Tammy's an excellent cook.
78. We consider ourselves movie experts and quote them frequently.
79. Trev was electrocuted by a horse-strength hot wire while we were in Idaho - and he looked like a zombie afterward.
80. At Disneyland, we turn into 10 year olds.
81. My job is to make Tammy happy.
82. We love to take baths.
83. One day, we want to travel to Italy and Greece.
84. I jumped off a cliff on our trip to Hawaii and Trev failed to record it for prosperity.
85. Large spiders will charge after you if you try to spray them with bug killer.
86. Christmas makes us giddy.
87. One Thanksgiving, we splurged ($80 per person) and went to dinner at the Hotel del Coronado. Trev's first bite of food got stuck in his throat and he spent the rest of the time in the bathroom.
88. We love to take long walks.
89. You don't need money to be rich.
90. We are thrill ride junkies.
91. We watch Ellen DeGeneres' talk show every day.
92. We have both read all of the Harry Potter books.
93. Flicking Tam on the forehead is the quickest way to make her mad.
94. I am so proud of Trev for going back to school.
95. Sometimes, you've just gotta have Dairy Queen.
96. Eric Clapton's "You Look Wonderful Tonight" was the first song Trev ever played for me on his guitar.
97. When times are tough, you have to make your own joy.
98. Trevor is the love of my life.
99. Tammy is the love of my life.
100. We cannot wait to see what the next five years has in store!


Amy said...

I loved your list! I can't believe it's been five years already! Congrats on 5 wonderful years and I wish you a hundred more!

Gardner Family said...

Awwwww I can not tell you how many times I said awwwww.....and laughed out loud at the same time.....miss you Tammy.
:) Leah

Amanda said...

I love the list! First of all, how we have never discussed "High Fidelity", I cannot fathom. We LOVE that movie! "It's no problem, Rob." comes out a lot around our house. Secondly, never raised your voices, huh? Wow. I'm very impressed. I hope that does not change over time. Enjoy year #6. Marriage is awesome, huh? I'm so happy for you!

mama said...

I literally cried as I read your list! You two are the light in our lives. I love the way you love one another.


Lou said...

Hey little Tammy! Gosh absolutely LOVED your list. I think it's wonderful that you two are so happy. Your list made me stop and think about my hubby and how I would love to make our own list. It's fun, loving, insightful, caring, romantic and just amazing! Congratulations on 5 wonderful happy years! Faron and I just had our 11th wedding anniversary, 14 years together. I think he needs a trophy more that a list! Love you, miss you and am so very happy for both of you. Lou