Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Like Church

I just have to share this beautiful little story. There is a seven year old girl named Jaqualla that attends our summer camp. She is adorable and fun, but she is no stranger to behavioral issues. Other teachers tend to get very impatient with her, but I just love her! Lately, she has been going through some tough times at home. Her aunt, who is raising Jaqualla and her little brother, was put into the hospital at the end of last week. Everyday I ask how her aunt is doing, and every day she tells me, "She's still smiling."

On Tuesday, Jaqualla pulled me aside and told me she had a gift to give me. She asked me to close my eyes and put out my hand. You never know what's coming when a kid makes that kind of request, but I obliged. When I opened my eyes, this is what I found...

She told me, "Ms. Tammy, I made this just for you because you make me happy like church." It just goes to show that you never know when you are making a difference!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13th

Of course, Trev and I celebrate our wedding anniversary on March 1st, but we also celebrate the anniversary of when we met. Seven years ago today, we met for the first time at the Edwards Cinemas in Mira Mesa. We watched the movie "Crazy, Beautiful" and then spent hours in the parking lot just talking and getting to know one another. From that day forward, he's been my favorite thing in the whole world. I love you, Trev!


Yesterday, Trevor and I decided we would seek out some of this area's many waterfalls. So we packed a lunch and lots of water and headed out on a lovely hiking trail in the DuPont National Forest. The vegetation along the trail was just gorgeous. We have had quite a few thunder storms in the last week, so everything was nice and green. As we were walking, I noticed a bright red leaf growing on a bright green tree. It was stunning.
We walked quite a while and eventually came to this covered bridge.
The river flowed under the bridge form right to left, and then started running down the mountain in a series of waterfalls. We waded out into the water and walked all over the rocks at the top of the falls. Here's Trev, looking like he is barely hanging on.
After eating our lunch at the top, we walked down a different trail and got a good view of the falls. If you look carefully, you can see the roof of the covered bridge at the top right of the falls. We sat on the rocks at the top for close to an hour, just taking in the view.

Family Reunion

At the end of June, Trev and I took a couple of days off work and headed further down south. We went to my mom and dad's in Alabama, and then the next day we all piled into their motor home and drove to Jackson Port, Arkansas (thank goodness for RVs and laptops - I was able to work on homework the entire six hour drive!). We were there for a little reunion with some of the family on my mom's side. I got to see people I hadn't seen since I was a kid. Some of them I knew, and others I just didn't even recognize, but it was nice all the same. The best part of the trip was the opportunity to see my Uncle Charlie and his dear wife Judy, who live in Texas, and my grandma and grandpa from San Diego. I have missed them all so much!

Here's my grandma with four of her brothers: Al, Jr., Gene, and Gary
Oh, and Taz and Tanner had fun playing with all the sticks in the park
After the reunion, my grandma and grandpa returned to Alabama with us in the motor home. They visited with my parents for several days before returning to San Diego. We weren't able to spend too long there, but we enjoyed the time we had before we left to return home. Whenever your in Alabama, there's an awful lot of time spent sittin' on the front porch. Beautiful skies, great lightening shows, and the summer fireflies... it doesn't get much more peaceful and relaxing!
It was a great trip, and we ended it with a ride on the river before heading back to North Carolina. Nothing makes my boys (all three of them) happier than being on the water. Just look at the contentment on Tanner's face!

We Are Back!!

It has been quite a while, but we are back in the blogging world. The last two months have been tough ones. We have had a lot going on, and to top it all off I have been trying to get through the toughest class in my master's program for the last six weeks. I have come home every night and sat down to three to five hours of homework since the first day of class. Well guess what... my class ends tomorrow and I finished my last assignment this morning!! Woohoo!! I will now have time to tend to our blog in the evenings. I have truly missed it.

As an update, I have been working long days during the summer. The after school program functions as an all day summer camp until school is back in session. So I spend my days swimming with a bunch of ankle biters and trying to keep my sanity. Let me tell you something, you haven't experienced miniature golf (referred to as "putt-putt" in this part of the world) until you have played eighteen holes with 50 children... that's a lot of putters and balls to dodge! All kidding aside, I am having a ball, and I will miss spending so much time with the kids once they are back in school.

Trevor is doing well. He is looking for a new job and is going through the process of possibly joining the Air Force as an officer after the first of the year. It's a huge decision, but one that is very intriguing due to the job and financial security (primarily in terms of retirement) that it would offer us. Like I said, it's not a done deal yet, but in preparation he is taking all the necessary tests and whatnot. We will keep you all posted!