Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Like Church

I just have to share this beautiful little story. There is a seven year old girl named Jaqualla that attends our summer camp. She is adorable and fun, but she is no stranger to behavioral issues. Other teachers tend to get very impatient with her, but I just love her! Lately, she has been going through some tough times at home. Her aunt, who is raising Jaqualla and her little brother, was put into the hospital at the end of last week. Everyday I ask how her aunt is doing, and every day she tells me, "She's still smiling."

On Tuesday, Jaqualla pulled me aside and told me she had a gift to give me. She asked me to close my eyes and put out my hand. You never know what's coming when a kid makes that kind of request, but I obliged. When I opened my eyes, this is what I found...

She told me, "Ms. Tammy, I made this just for you because you make me happy like church." It just goes to show that you never know when you are making a difference!


Amy said...

How sweet. Those are the moments that make it all worth it. That's what I miss about teaching!

Gardner Family said...

Awww Tammy that just melted butta....

mom said...

We all make a difference! She obviously feels your good heart!

Lou said...

Sweet Lil Tammy, thank you for sharing this story. You must know sweet girl that you make a difference in every persons life that you touch.
You are a dear person with a kind heart and I miss you so much!