Sunday, July 13, 2008

Family Reunion

At the end of June, Trev and I took a couple of days off work and headed further down south. We went to my mom and dad's in Alabama, and then the next day we all piled into their motor home and drove to Jackson Port, Arkansas (thank goodness for RVs and laptops - I was able to work on homework the entire six hour drive!). We were there for a little reunion with some of the family on my mom's side. I got to see people I hadn't seen since I was a kid. Some of them I knew, and others I just didn't even recognize, but it was nice all the same. The best part of the trip was the opportunity to see my Uncle Charlie and his dear wife Judy, who live in Texas, and my grandma and grandpa from San Diego. I have missed them all so much!

Here's my grandma with four of her brothers: Al, Jr., Gene, and Gary
Oh, and Taz and Tanner had fun playing with all the sticks in the park
After the reunion, my grandma and grandpa returned to Alabama with us in the motor home. They visited with my parents for several days before returning to San Diego. We weren't able to spend too long there, but we enjoyed the time we had before we left to return home. Whenever your in Alabama, there's an awful lot of time spent sittin' on the front porch. Beautiful skies, great lightening shows, and the summer fireflies... it doesn't get much more peaceful and relaxing!
It was a great trip, and we ended it with a ride on the river before heading back to North Carolina. Nothing makes my boys (all three of them) happier than being on the water. Just look at the contentment on Tanner's face!


Gardner Family said...

You know my Grandma Sue and Papa Jr are from Alabama. And remember my friend Brenda from high school? She is visiting her hubby in Enterprise, Alabama right now. He is training for pilot school there! I have always wanted to go to Alabama. I was just telling Dan that I want our next move to be to the south. :) We'll see if the Army agrees with me!

mom said...

We did have good time, didn't we? So glad you guys were able to join us.