Sunday, July 13, 2008


Yesterday, Trevor and I decided we would seek out some of this area's many waterfalls. So we packed a lunch and lots of water and headed out on a lovely hiking trail in the DuPont National Forest. The vegetation along the trail was just gorgeous. We have had quite a few thunder storms in the last week, so everything was nice and green. As we were walking, I noticed a bright red leaf growing on a bright green tree. It was stunning.
We walked quite a while and eventually came to this covered bridge.
The river flowed under the bridge form right to left, and then started running down the mountain in a series of waterfalls. We waded out into the water and walked all over the rocks at the top of the falls. Here's Trev, looking like he is barely hanging on.
After eating our lunch at the top, we walked down a different trail and got a good view of the falls. If you look carefully, you can see the roof of the covered bridge at the top right of the falls. We sat on the rocks at the top for close to an hour, just taking in the view.

1 comment:

Gardner Family said...

HEY! Is that the bridge from Bridges of Madison County? Looks just like the one in the movie! How relaxing! You two live the life Dan and I used to live, and want to live when he returns. :) I love the outdoors!