Sunday, July 13, 2008

We Are Back!!

It has been quite a while, but we are back in the blogging world. The last two months have been tough ones. We have had a lot going on, and to top it all off I have been trying to get through the toughest class in my master's program for the last six weeks. I have come home every night and sat down to three to five hours of homework since the first day of class. Well guess what... my class ends tomorrow and I finished my last assignment this morning!! Woohoo!! I will now have time to tend to our blog in the evenings. I have truly missed it.

As an update, I have been working long days during the summer. The after school program functions as an all day summer camp until school is back in session. So I spend my days swimming with a bunch of ankle biters and trying to keep my sanity. Let me tell you something, you haven't experienced miniature golf (referred to as "putt-putt" in this part of the world) until you have played eighteen holes with 50 children... that's a lot of putters and balls to dodge! All kidding aside, I am having a ball, and I will miss spending so much time with the kids once they are back in school.

Trevor is doing well. He is looking for a new job and is going through the process of possibly joining the Air Force as an officer after the first of the year. It's a huge decision, but one that is very intriguing due to the job and financial security (primarily in terms of retirement) that it would offer us. Like I said, it's not a done deal yet, but in preparation he is taking all the necessary tests and whatnot. We will keep you all posted!


Amy said...

Welcome back! I have totally missed you. I kept checking every day waiting for an update... so I am very happy you are back! I'm sure you must be so relieved that your class is over - sounds like time for a celebration!

Gardner Family said...

Oh wow! Keep me posted! Dan will comission as an officer a little while after he returns from Iraq. You definately can not beat the medical ins! Life is good in the military when you are officer vs enlisted. Military works the best for people who are up for moving and enjoying traveling. That's why we love it so much. We get to experience so many places and cultures. Good luck with your decision!!! PS I love your new picture at the top!