Monday, August 25, 2008

Grandfather Mountain, Part II

Trevor and I first visited Grandfather Mountain in the fall of last year. Despite the fact that the weather was freezing cold (with the windchill, I think it was 8 degrees) and windier than anything I have ever experienced (gusts at the peak reached 80 miles per hour), we had a great time and vowed to return. This time around, we went while it was still summer! It was a beautiful day... the temperature was in the low 60s which was perfect for hiking, and the wind was enough to keep you cool and remind you that you are high!

We walked up the Blue Trail, which is a lovely path (as you can see below) with occasional rocks to climb and ladders to traverse. Along the way, the scenery is breath taking. I am so glad we got to see it while everything is still green.

The lovely Blue Trail:
Trevor manned the video camera while I took the still shots:
We were just nearing the peak when my phone rang. So, I stood at the top of a mountain and talked to my mom!
This picture was taken near the peak. We stopped here and ate lunch, and then we just took in the view.
At the top of McCrae peak we met a young couple visiting from Charleston, South Carolina. We took a picture of the two of them, and they returned the favor. It was a little windy, but the view was spectacular!
On the way down, we opted to take the Yellow Trail. This trail, while beautiful, was... well... it was brutal! There was no nice path. It was a mile and a half of rocks, boulders, and enormous networks of tree roots. And everything was wet and slippery. I can truly say that we climbed our way down that mountain! This is what the Yellow Trail looks like... notice the little yellow mark on the rock just right of the the center of the picture, that's what we had to look for to find our way out.Along the way, I kind of felt like Dorothy walking through the spooky forest on the way to Oz. There were dark, damp caverns:
And weird little trees growing out of huge faces of rock.

In the end we had throbbing knees and wobbly legs... and we can't wait to go back again!


Gardner Family said...

When you title your blog - "our adventures" are not kidding! How exhilrating and totally frightening at the same time! I swear one day I will turn to your blog page and you will be on top of Mt Everest! You two are my heros! :) Have fun for me.....even in the scary Wizard of OZ woods! When I saw those woods, I thought of the movie the Village! EEK! My imagination would have bene going nuts! :)

Gardner Family said...

Hehehhe - you made me giggle out loud saying that you two have been talking about Christmas tress all week. :) We are SO meant to be friends. And I thought I was bad watching "The great pumpkin charlie brown" it so bad to want snow???? :)

Amy said...

That looks absolutely beautiful and like so much fun! We really need to get out more...

Gardner Family said...

You have been tagged.......