Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We have become quite fond of our new kitty. Gracie is curious and mischievious and so entertaining. Sometimes she has quite an attitude...

But mostly she's just a sweetheart...

So, I decided it was time to take her to the doctor for a well kitty check-up and to get her whatever immunizations she might need. They performed several blood tests that look for viruses stray cats are prone to carry. They also tested for paracites and other icky stuff. Everything came back clear. However, the doctor did find two surprising things... testicles! As it turns out, she is a BOY! Oops! So, Gracie is now Louie.


Amy said...

Oh my goodness! That is hilarious!!! She - I mean HE - is very adorable! :)

I miss you and hope you are doing well! Send me an email or something when you have a chance! Love you!!!

Amanda said...

That is so funny! I'm so glad you are documenting the crazy things that happen to you.